25 funny and lighthearted office pranks ideas to use at work
Want to mess with somebody's favorite TV or computer without doing any permanent damage? Just attach a tiny piece of tape over the laser sensor on the underside of their remote or mouse, which will block the signal. Make sure it's the right color—if the remote is black and you don't have any black tape, use a sharpie to color in it—and then leave it out and wait for the confusion. Everyone loves the distinctive Wookiee growl from the Star Wars movies, right?
We've collected 48 brilliant, harmless April Fools' pranks that won't end in tears or make anyone want to cut you out of their life. And for more laughs, check out The 50 Funniest Celebrity Instagram Posts of 2020. You can try this when your little victim is in the shower. Just when they start shampooing their hair, tiptoe from behind with a bottle of shampoo in your hand. When your kid has lathered their hair with shampoo and the shower has almost washed the foam away, put more shampoo on their head from behind. Resist laughing as your child slowly gets annoyed as the shampoo refuses to rinse off.
Sometimes it takes a little time to set up the perfect prank, so you have to be willing to be patient and wait for the right time. Tell them it’s a really major part of their grade and lay it on thick. Remind them of the importance of reading all directions and answering questions carefully.
We also know how popular office pranks April Fools edition can be! If you’re looking for the best office prank ideas and are stumped on what to do for April Fool's Day, look no further! Use these hilarious office prank ideas to fool your coworkers and friends. This is another prank for kids that has been around for generations, but is still fun to pull! Wait until your child is in a deep sleep, such as in the middle of the night, and draw a mustache on their face.
Before trying these tricks, always be sure your "victim" doesn't suffer from food allergies or other health conditions. You don't want a silly prank to become unintentionally harmful. The art of a good prank is to surprise someone with an unexpected event that will cause a reaction that immediately turns positive when they realize it is a joke. Pranks should be harmless – both mentally (doesn’t embarrass or cause stress) and physically (shouldn’t hurt the person or property around them).
Then, place a piece of cardstock over the opening and flip the glass over. Set the glass and cardstock at your child’s place on the table, and slide the cardstock from under the glass. Invite your child to come to have breakfast and see what they do! You can also leave the juice out for an after-school beverage for your kids to find when they get home like this example in Old Orchard. What better way to break up the long work day than with some harmless fun? When your coworker is away from their desk, leave them a note saying they missed a call from "Mr. Baer" or "Mr. Lyon." And don't forget to leave a number!
If you have a baby in the home, smear a diaper with chocolate candy or peanut butter; then call in a spouse or child to observe with horror as you taste the mess. About that whole, "At least it's not glitter" thing in prank #9? For the coworkers who don't yet know the permanence of getting glitter on yourself, this prank is sure to set them straight. Work with your IT department to fertilize this prank perfectly.
Make sure the person is not allergic to whatever you put on the phone. Then give the person a call and watch their reaction. We hesitated to put this one on the list because it's so mean. There is nothing meaner than a jump scare, particularly when you know your friend doesn't like jump scares. Still, it's an iconic prank that doesn't require any materials -- other than a profound lack of empathy, of course. This prank, which comes courtesy of BuzzFeed, is simple and potentially very prank en famille expensive.
Get several sets of googly eyes and add them to different things on the shelves in your refrigerator. When they open up the fridge, they will be a little startled. But they are sure to get a laugh out of this funny, practical joke. You can make it even more fun by adding eyes to jars that already have a face or eyes on them. Are you having a hard time getting to know your coworkers?